Current Works

Sound: Mathieu Corajod’s Untitled, For a Box
7” x 10” x 13”
Magnet, wooden box, ink on paper (doubling as a speaker membrane), motors, LEDs, sound module, matte board and microprocessor.

Performance Venue
The Cité Internationale des Arts, Open Studio: Mary Sherman and Mathieu Corajod, August 24, 2019, Paris

Exhibition Venues
Assemblage, Boston, MA, August – October, 2022, Mary Sherman: Visual Orchestrations
ars libri, Mary Sherman: Black Box, organized by Mario Diacono, February 7- March 4, 2020, Boston

Boston Globe, “Critics Tips,” February 23, 2020, by Cate McQuaid.
Art New England, “Mary Sherman: Visual Orchestrations,” September/October 2022, by B. Amore, p 84.

Acknowledgements: George Bossarte for building the LED circuit and technical advice and Michel Aksent for use of his workshop and the Cité Anternational des Arts for the residency where this work was produced.